We gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 10AM, with a remote streaming option available via Zoom. If you are interested in worshipping remotely with us, please contact Rev. Ford Jordan for an access link at ford@redeemerraleigh.org.

Worship Format

Our worship service typically includes music, prayers, New and Old Testament Scripture readings, Preaching and Communion.  Our worship service is open to anyone regardless of background or religious affiliation. The service lasts approximately an hour and fifteen minutes.

For more details, checkout a bulletin from a past service.

Children's Ministry 

Childcare is provided for babies and toddlers under the age of 5 during the sermon each week. Children begin the service with us in the Sanctuary, then head downstairs to the nursery prior to the reading of scripture, and return to the sanctuary just before communion in order to participate in the remainder of the service.

We know that children can be wiggly and giggly, but we value their presence with us and believe that it is both good for them and good for us to be together for worship.

Older children (grade school and up) are encouraged to participate in the worship service. Activity Sheets are provided to help them engage their hearts, minds and bodies throughout the service.


We encourage you to come and join us in whatever attire is comfortable to you. While some of our attenders may be in suits or more formal attire, many others wear jeans or casual clothing. In other words, come as you are!