Volunteer & Signup to Serve

If you've been looking for a way to get plugged into service at Redeemer or would be wiling to serve on a regular basis, sign up now!

We've identified opportunities for people with a variety of skills from those with organizational and administrative abilities to those who excel with children and/or could help food setup and/or the church camping trip.

Cross-Bearers and Scripture Readers

Children and youth (grades 3 and up) are invited to participate in Sunday worship by reading scripture to the congregation and serving as a cross-bearer.

Hospitality Team

We are forming a Hospitality team and would love new members. Sign-up HERE. We work in pairs so it will be a great way to get to know someone while serving together. Students and families are welcome. Each week the pair, will work together to serve coffee, lemonade, water, fruit, and/or a baked good... there is room for your own creativity! It is best to plan to arrive at 8:30 am and stay a few minutes after. There will be training on the first day that you sign-up.